Today was one of the cabin fever kind of days...seems I could not focus on much at hand...did do a wee bit of knitting and that was it.
I had several people post this poor snowman photo on Facebook or send it in emails. He is tired of his winter life as you can see.
Not sure I am ready to hang myself...not that much cabin fever yet! But I am getting tired of not being able to drive on the nasty roads and having cold hands and feet!
I guess, it still goes back to finding creative things for me to do. I started to knit cup warmers. And as neat as they are...I was looking at the one finished one I had last done last night and thought....yep...I have lost my mind. I am knitting cup warmers and thinking they look 'cool'! This is why women back in the day would go nuts on making Christmas towels by the dozen or empty the stash of homemade wine before the spring thaw.
At any rate.....I am moving my feet [have to keep them warm some how!] and keep reading more ideas of things to make with my hands [have to keep them warm too!] this month.
I did get my 'free' sweater pattern. It uses sock yarn and is in adult sizes. So I will go put that on some more mindless TV and keep feeling bad from sad Mr. Snowman that is tired of the winter!