Saturday, June 20, 2009

I have come to the understanding....I need to make order of things more quickly. I just have a hard time letting go of those little notes the kids have written or things that had to do with their school life. So I have 5 lidded boxes now and one for each kid.

I will keep sorting stuff..and fill a box for each of them and they can go through what is important to them when they get the box. I hate working in the attic. You can't even stand up when you are up there. BUT I will just have to keep cleaning, sorting and make my way through it.

I want to make order of our living space and then the sorting of the bits and pieces will have to come as I have time. Soon Chloe will be moving on with her life and out of the house. At this point I don't see a job in my future, at least not one out of the house. I can try to do Esty and some of that..and take a day a week to keep sorting and storing.

It is the only plan I can come up with!