Friday, June 19, 2009
It is we can be humbled when we least expect it. I bought fabric to make Channa's seat cushions for the chairs in her apartment. They went together so quickly and looked just GREAT. So I was all about keeping my Featherweight running and getting the baby quilt made.
I had watched Shirley do lots of patches when we were at Amish country in March...she had most of them done when we left, or at least I thought she did. And I thought the pattern seemed easy and looked really nice. So I started buying fabric!
Of course, I just shoved the fabrics I had found in a bag and put them in my big fabric basket.
So after the seat cushions were done, I thought the quilt would be a snap! ON MAN...was I wrong.
To begin with, the pattern called for 17 fat quarters for the pattern. I was not close to that so when I did get the fabrics out and started cutting I 'knew' I was not going to have enough. So thought I would just try a sample patch or two. Again, seemed not a easy task ...not at all!!
I don't know what is wrong with how I am trying to do the pattern, but adding the corners to each square and I found out that I was also sewing the seam too close to the middle square and the fabric pulled a part when I barely tugged at it. At that rate one wash and the it would have raveled pieces every where!!!
I still like the pattern and thought I would go ahead and keep going. So tore out some of my goofs and heading for Findlay to get more fabrics to go with what I had.
Channa met me there so I could hand off the 3 cushions I had finished. She and I started checking fabrics and seemed neither of the two Findlay stores had much that would match my 'non-traditional' baby colors! I wanted and there were only a few colors that matched and wanted a dark orange and dark yellow. So I got a bright yellow and orange and tea dyed those two pieces. There are drying as I type and I do think they turned out great if I do say so myself!
I finished the altering of the yellow and orange fabrics I found and laid out the new colors and they are ready to cut. SO tomorrow I will cut and sew away...see how much progress I can make. As you can see, Alice, is always there...ready to 'help'! She loves to lay in the ironing board and sleep!
It just goes to show, I need to get my butte in gear, get my studio cleaned up so I have a place to sew. I need to have a place that I can leave things out and not have to put things away all the time. Ruth Anne told me this years ago. If you don't have a place that you can just go and sew you will NOT do it!
Shirley really made it all look so easy as I watched her start her quilt last March. I know there is always a learning curve and I am committed to learn!
I hope to just keep messing with this pattern, and let things flow. Just so it holds together and looks OK is all I care about at this point.
I am really feeling like...I want o finish this baby quilt now matter what! I have always been told that is a something I got from my grandma Fairy.
So I will keep at it and not give up!