Friday, February 12, 2010

It is just one of those go into a little second hand shop and just walk around...keeping your mind open to all the little treasures that you might find. After Molly and Cyler were dropped off that DTW in January [after their holiday visit in Ohio for Christmas] I did just that...stop at the little shop that is outside Monroe, right off an exit. They have lots of vendors in the 'mall' and on the very last look around, in the very last booth...I found my plaster Virgin Mary.

I knew as soon as I saw her...she might be able to be mine. And when I checked out the price...$8 was right up my alley! :) So I added her to my newest stash [I found a lidded dish that matched my china set as well] and walked to the check out.

Now, on these LONG winter nights...with snow surrounding me...and my knitting needles [or quilt] in front of me...I can sit on my little love seat and look at my Madonna and watch her soft face 'glow' in the candle light. She was meant to be mine...meant to give me a little peace in the middle of this long winter!