Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well...I am making a red
scarf for myself..and as you can see, Cheerio loves to sit on it, sleep on it... She does this when I leave the sofa or even as I am trying to knit!

She is just a cutie!

Making Dirt

Ok...I will admit it, I look at other people's photos on Facebook! I was looking around the other night, and saw a photo of a young man that was putting what looked like the final touches to covering the ceiling of his room with playing cards. I should post it, but it was just really cool.

I know what some people would say...."Why?" would you spend time putting playing cards all over ...completely covered with playing cards. I guess, as I think about it...well, why NOT!? At least it is something to do, a way to spend time and then one would be able to stand back and look at this cool thing he finished.

Spending time doing something productive or what we feel is productive is really a good thing! It keeps our minds is a way to not get bored and in the end be able to stand back and say I did that.

Well, I have started a project like that too...not playing cards on my ceilings but I bought a 'paper shredder'! And I am going to try to 'make dirt' from composting cardboard and newspapers, junk mail and other things from the house this winter.

I have been saving stuff during the week and then ever 4-5 days I have been shredding.

I have an outdoor compost bin and so I have been putting a little pile of shredded stuff in the bin this past few weeks.

I don't know how long it will take to really MAKE dirt. But I know it is a good thing to do and not burn all the paper we usually do!

I will keep an eye on the progress of my dirt...and I will keep you all posted!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here is a picture of my newest Ebay find...the blue lamp on the left. I just won it tonight for 99 cents. I thought it would work perfectly on the little 70's style tile top table I found at the Salvo in Ann Arbor.

I found a lamp shade company called Deadly Nightshades that make retro shades like the pink one I posted on ther right.

The shade of course will be the big price. I would order it in while with black lacing and either some black swirl or tiny splashes I will have to do myself.

The thing is, when we were at a thrift shop on Friday night, I found two other retro lamps that I think it will be a great addition to our family room. I might drive there tomorrow and see if they are still would be a GREAT find if they are still available.

It sure helps the winter pass and keeps my creative juices flowing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am hoping to make it a habit of blogging. I find it like a journal but by adding my photos I am able to share some of my 'creations', my furry friends and some of my family pictures too.

I think having the creative out let for me, is a very important part of my inter being. Even though I don't' have lots of money to spend on tons of fancy art stuff. I can find clearance yarn and make wonderful one of a kind scarves or I can take an old tray, add tons of used wine corks and make the coolest 'dream' board ever.

Blogging will help me share...I am really looking forward to it!


It took me awhile to get back into this blog sight...but my photo feature is working again! YEA!